Untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab terjadinya kesenjangan (gap) layanan antara kenyataan dengan harapan pengguna layanan IT M & T PT. Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation Region V Surabaya, maka dibutuhkan audit pengelolaan layanan TI berdasarkan salah satu best practice ITSM, yaitu Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITSM menyediakan serangkaian proses praktik terbaik yang komprehensif, konsistendan koheren dalam pengelolaan layanan TI, serta mendorong suatu pendekatan kualitas untuk mencapai efektivitas dan efisiensi bisnis (Addy, 2007). Adapun tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan audit pengelolaan layanan TI pada IT M&T PT. Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation RegionV Surabaya akandilakukan berdasarkan standar audit yang disusun dan dipublikasikan oleh Information System Audit and Control Association(ISACA), yaitu Information System Standards, Guidelines and Proceduresfor Auditing and Control Professionals.
Pengelolaan Layanan TI atau yang disebut juga dengan Information Technology Service Management(ITSM) adalah pemanfaatan terencana dan terkendali terhadap aset TI, orang dan proses untuk mendukung kebutuhan operasional bisnis seefisien mungkin dan memastikan bahwa organisasi memiliki
kemampuan secara cepat dan efektif untuk menanggapi kejadian/situasi yang
tidak diinginkan serta terus menerus mengevaluasi proses dan kinerja dalam rangka
mengidentifikasi dan menerapkan peluang untuk perbaikan
A.F Zavier, H Tanuwijaya, B Hermawan/JSIKA Vol. 3, No. 2, (2014) / ISSN 2338
IT Pemasaran & Perdagangan (M & T) PT. Pertamina (Persero) Pemasaran Daerah Operasi V Surabaya merupakan bagian dari fungsi operasional Shared Services Perusahaan (CSS) PT. Pertamina (Persero) di bidang Teknologi Informasi (TI).Adapun tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan audit pengelolaan layanan TI pada IT M&T PT. Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation RegionV Surabaya akan dilakukan berdasarkan standar audit yang disusun dan dipublikasikan oleh Information System Audit and Control Association(ISACA), yaitu Information System Standards, Guidelines and Proceduresfor Auditing and Control Professionals.
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An Exploratory Investigation Into Using ITSM Metrics to Indicate The Business Value of IT In a South African Financial Services Company
An ITdepartment in a large organisation can be seen as a collection of coherent, related, self-contained functions that span multiple divisions including hardware installa-tions, software installations, networking systems, application management and other systems related to the storage, transfer and manipulation of information (Zammuto et al., 2007). The foundational goal of IT in a company is to provide a cost effective service to meet the company’s needs and align with its business strategy
(McNaughton et al., 2010). With the realisation of the criticality of IT as a resource (Beachboard et al., 2007; Bloodworth and Herron, 2007;
Carr, 2003; Smith, 2007), the associated costs have exponentiallyincreased in the last few decades, pressing IT managers to demonstrate the value of IT in economic terms to business decision
makers (Coyle, 2009; Smith, 2007).
IT can provide both tangible and intangible benefits. Tangible benefits are those which affect a company’s bottom line, and can be measured by a quantitative, objective and in many cases, financial means (Ward and Daniel, 2006; Ward andPeppard, 2002).Many companies have found the intangible benefits of IT to be difficult to demonstrate, and measure their investments solely on hard benefits. Intangible benefits are typically measured qualitatively (Ward and Daniel, 2006), and have been found to include the following benefits (Beachboard et al., 2007; Ward and Daniel, 2006; Ward and Peppard, 2002):
1. Competitive advantageis derived from delivering something that is unique and difficult to replicate or copy by a competitor. Sustaining this competitive advantage means ensuring the unique feature is also unable to be substituted by a competitor (Bharadwaj, 2000; Ward and Daniel, 2006);
2. Increased internal efficiencies by means of reducing costs associated with resources, allowing companies to do more with fewer resources, thereby improving econo-mies of scale (Ward and Daniel, 2006; Ward and Peppard, 2002; Zammuto et al., 2007). This increase in output while limiting input cost is referred to as productivity.
Anfara VA, Brown KM, Mangione, TL (2002). Qualitative Analysis on Stage: Making the Research Process More Public. Educ. Res. 31(7):28-38.
Apfel A (2008). A Maverick Approach to the Business Value of IT.Gartner. Stamford
Bakos J, Kemerer C (1992). Recent Applications of Economic Theory in Information Technology Research. Decis. Support Syst. 8:365-386.
Companies’ executives have long realised the importance of IT inconducting business. As such, an ever larger portion of capital is allocated to IT. Managers see an opportunity to reduce the input cost of producing value for clients by reducing IT expenditure; however, managers need a clear picture of the value of IT to make appropriate cut of IT cost. This study explores the value the IT unit provides to business, by investigating a method of identifying IT metrics that are significant to IT managers and extending their significance beyond the IT unit to business executives. The Gartner business value model was used to link IT metrics to financial metrics in a South African financial services company.
Senior business executives, business process owners and IT respondents were interviewed to get pertinent information, and an exploratory approach was taken to investigate the information garnered. The results illustrate that if a set of leading indicat ors of financial performance can be identified by
senior business executives, the business activities that support these leading indicators and the IT services these activities rely on can be uncovered.
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